Dungeons and Dragons 5e

Guide to Building an Aasimar Character DnD 5e

Touched by Mount Celestia, aasimar are semi-angelic humanoids with a spiritual connection to a greater angelic being.  These celestial warriors emanate energies of different auras and gain a +2 to Constitution.  3 different versions of aasimar offer variants in Wisdom, Constitution and Strength bonuses.

When building an aasimar character consider the following:

Aasimar characteristics and backgrounds

Aasimar characters can fall into several tropes: fallen angel, guardian angel, heroic demi-god or celestial stranger.  Playing this type of character inherently brings a sense of mystery to the party, an almost alien presence.  Whether the character has fallen to the dark side or is legitimately benevolent, they don’t come off quite normal.

Of course, this is going to be a pretty character.  Either from an angelic background or something similar to a Greek pantheon, there’s a strong sense of divinity and even superiority to mortals.  Therefore, consider a class that leans into this natural Charisma—because this class is dripping with it.

Deadman's Tale an Island Pirate Adventure DnD 5e friendly 3rd party campaign

This character may be on a divine mission, especially as a paladin or cleric.  On the other hand, the fallen angel variant could be an outcast from the heavens.  Some aasimar may have left their angelic patron for a more sinister replacement.  Or perhaps they’ve left the shackles of servitude altogether—leaving complete divinity behind to wander the mortal world.

Aasimar abilities and variants: Protector, Scourge, Fallen

Aasimar gain a +2 Charisma bonus to their ability scores.  Naturally, this makes for powerful paladins, warlocks and even bards.  Also, like most every other race but humans, they come with Darkvision.  However, this class also comes with a handful of other angelic abilities and traits—something every variety of aasimar share.

Celestial Resistance gives me resistance to necrotic and radiant damage.  Whichever side of good and evil I fall I’ll be resistant against my foes.

Healing Hands grants me the ability to touch a creature and heal HP equal to my level.  Somewhat like a paladin’s Lay on Hands, this ability gives me an innate goodness whether I like it or not.  I’ll need to finish a long rest between uses.

Finally, all aasimar learn the light cantrip with Light Bearer.

Protector Aasimar

The protector aasimar variant is the true angelic archetype—the benevolent healer or warrior of justice.  These aasimar gain a +1 Wisdom bonus to their ability scores, giving them natural inclinations toward a cleric.  In my opinion, these guys are the most likely to be the good guy—a paladin, cleric or bard.

Radiant Soul grants the protector a glowing aura and celestial wings.  When I trigger this ability, I gain flight for 1 minute and deal extra radiant damage to enemies when I land attacks.  This damage is equal to my level.  My flying speed is 30 feet, which makes for an epic paladin swooping into Divine Smite a villain.

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Scourge Aasimar

Scourge aasimar fall into the angel of wrath territory, adding +1 to my Constitution score and granting me Radiant Consumption.

With Radiant Consumption, I create a fiery light from within my body, damaging everything in my path.  For 1 minute, I shed light for 20 feet and deal damage to myself and foes who start their turn around me.  This damage is equal to half my level.  Plus, I deal even more radiant damage equal to my level to a target I hit with an attack or spell.

Obviously, this makes a fierce paladin build.  However, I could build a powerful sorcerer with this Charisma score and fiery ability.  Maybe I’ll lean into that defensive Constitution boost and create a draconic bloodline sorcerer for fiery battle magic.

Fallen Aasimar

The archetypical fallen angel, the fallen aasimar is granted a +1 Strength increase and a Necrotic Shroud ability.

Necrotic Shroud pulses a dark energy around my character as their eyes turn black, dealing fear and necrotic damage.  During the 1-minute duration, foes within 10 feet of me must make a Charisma saving throw or fall into fear.  Plus, I can deal extra necrotic damage equal to my level to an opponent when I land an attack or spell.

For this variant, warlocks, vengeful paladins or Aberrant Mind sorcerers.  Obviously, the theme here is darker than the other aasimar, granting me a +2 Charisma bonus for powerful magic.  I could take a sinister path with this fallen angel or seek retribution as an antihero.

Paladin Oath of Devotion, Oath of Vengeance

A paladin build seems like the most obvious choice for the aasimar, using the Charisma score and other abilities.  The key feature paladins carry is Divine Smite, adding an additional 2d8 radiant damage to foes and 3d8 damage to undead.  Plus, Lay on Hands gives me the ability to heal without a spell slot.

The Oath of Devotion paladin would fit the protector aasimar well, being the traditional warrior of light and healing.  With extra spells like protection from good and evil, sanctuary and lesser restoration, this is the true holy man of the paladin class.  However, Sacred Wisdom channels that radiant energy into devastating power—adding my Charisma modifier to attack rolls.  Now, I can land Divine Smite with more regularity.

Oath of Vengeance, on the other hand, is a great choice for the scourge or fallen aasimar.  This oath grants my paladin spells like hunter’s mark to add even more damage to the powerful Divine Smite.  Plus, I can learn misty step, haste and hold person.  This paladin is built for battle, with Vow of Enmity granting me an advantage on attack rolls as a bonus action.  Now, I’m a force of divine wrath.

Sorcerer Draconic Bloodline/Aberrant Mind

The Charisma-based sorcerer is a build that focuses on spellcasting ability while still channeling divine rage from the scourge or fallen aasimar.

Sorcerers of the Draconic Bloodline can lean into elemental damage like fire, drawing from draconic ancestors.  Therefore, a scourge aasimar could offer his or her services to a dragon instead of a celestial, leaning into fiery damage.  My high Charisma score means more capability with sorcerer spells, which then benefit from the sorcerer class’s Meta Magic abilities.

Read more about Draconic Bloodline Sorcerers here.

On the other hand, an Aberrant Mind sorcerer can play off the weird nature of a fallen aasimar for psychic abilities and warlock spells.  Spells such as arms of Hadar, dissonant whispers and mind sliver offer a useful variety of creepy spells.  Plus, the Telepathic Speech, Psionic Sorcery and Psychic Defenses add to my psychic vibe.

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Warlock Fiend/Fathomless Patron

Like the sorcerer class, a warlock can lean on high Charisma for spellcasting.  Warlocks cast spells and other abilities with the help of a patron entity—something inherent to the aasimar race.  However, this time the celestial angel is replaced with something from a dark and strange realm.  Eldritch Invocations enhance the dark spells I learn from this class.

A scourge aasimar could turn his back on righteous wrath and fall into the fiery grip of the Fiend.  This patron is the most devilish, making an exact counter to my angelic race.  I’ll gain fiery spells like burning hands, scorching ray and wall of fire.  Plus, I’ll gain abilities like Dark One’s Blessing, which gives me temporary HP when I fall to 0 equal to my Charisma modifier.

Playing off the deep abyss of the sea, a fallen aasimar would make an interesting warlock of the Fathomless patron.  These warlocks are granted special abilities to breath underwater, control weather and utilize ethereal tentacles from the abyss.  Spells like lightning lure and abilities like Tentacle of the Deeps give me the ability to push and pull foes where I want them.

Check out my Fathomless Patron Warlock here.

Bard College of Creation

A bard build would utilize my high Charisma for spells, playing off an angelic choir trope.  Really, any of the aasimar could fit this build in one way or another.  I could play the character to the classic trope, choosing a protector aasimar to inspire my allies.  However, I’m always a fan of the heavy-metal bard.  Bring on the wrath and darkness

Bards play as support characters, relying on psychic or enchanting spells and Bardic Inspiration dice.  Bardic Inspiration dice can be granted to allies, added to attack rolls, saving throws and skill checks. I gain an amount of d6 dice equal to my Charisma modifier.  Plus, they tend to be the character with all the skills, using Jack of All Trades for general knowledge and Expertise in my best skills.

The College of Creation fits this angelic character thematically, connecting to the Song of Creation.  These bards generate special orbs called Mote of Potential that supercharge the effects of bardic inspiration.  Depending on the type of roll being made, the orbs generate better odds, extra damage and temporary HP.

Performance of Creation causes an item to become animated, transforming into a Dancing Item.  This dancing item has an AC of 16 and a fat helping of HP.  It can attack with a powerful slam, dealing damage equal to 1d10 + proficiency.  However, its best ability is Irrepressible Dance, which causes creatures within 10 feet of it to involuntarily dance.  Functionally, this reduces the target’s speed by 10 feet.

Jared Rigsby

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