Dungeons and Dragons 5e

Guide to Building a Druid Circle of Stars: DnD 5e

Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything introduces us to the druid Circle of Stars—a mysterious class specializing in navigation, summoning and celestial abilities.  This concept seems to be pulled from the real-life druids connected to Stonehenge, mapping the movement of stars in the ancient world.  Therefore, I’ll play this character as wise and old, a traveler who uses the stars to guide his or her way.

When building a druid Circle of Stars, consider the following:

Try a Kalashtar or Aarakocra for the Wisdom bonus and theme.

When choosing my race, I’ll want someone who fits the cosmic theme.  Plus, I’ll need some sort of Wisdom bonus.  Maybe throw in a few racial abilities.

The Kalashtar are introduced in Eberron: Rising of the Last War as psychic, dreamy human with +2 Wisdom/+1 Charisma bonus combination.  Duel Mind taps into this otherworldliness to give me advantage on Wisdom saving throws.  Then, Mental Discipline gives me resistance to psychic damage and Mind Link grants me telepathic communication.  However, I’ll need to activate this as an action if I’m in combat, and I need the person to understand my language.

Deadman's Tale an Island Pirate Adventure DnD 5e friendly 3rd party campaign

An aarakocra version of this character would be connected to the stars through the sky and inherent migrating traits.  Plus, I’ll gain a +2 Dexterity/+1 Wisdom ability score modifier and the ability to fly.  However, I can’t fly while wearing medium or heavy armor.  My Talons give me a 1d4 + Strength modifier unarmed strike.

Build initial druid for field effects and ranged abilities.

Druids are often versatile in combat scenarios, ranging from melee sword/shield fighters, beast tanks and masters of the field effect.  This druid will fit in the latter group, using Circle of Stars abilities to summon and strike from afar.

On my initial build, I choose basic weapons like javelins, a sling and maybe even a scimitar.  Plus, I’ll choose Insight and Medicine as proficient skills, fitting my theme and playing off my high Wisdom score.

All druids come with a secret Druidic language, which I can implement to make my character even more mysterious.  Also, I’ll gain the option to take a Wild Shape starting at level 2.  I can use this feature twice a day, with a duration of hours equal to half my level (rounded down).  At first, this ability gives me a land-dwelling creature of ¼ CR or lower.  I’ll gain flying and swimming creatures as I level, as well as CRs up to 1.

The Wild Shape ability can be used for multiple effects when I enter the Circle of Stars.  However, I should keep the classic beast shape in mind for certain situations.  Plus, I have an option to find familiar with this ability (Wild Companion), which might come in handy at some point.

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Circle of Stars abilities: Star Map, Starry Form

At level 2, I gain my first Circle of Stars abilities: Star Map and Starry Form.

Star Map uses an object to contain my star chart, giving me several bonus spells and abilities.

  • I know the guidance cantrip, giving a creature I touch 1d4 to add to an ability check or saving throw.
  • I have the guiding bolt spell prepared as a bonus spell. Guiding bolt blasts foes with 4d6 radiant damage as a spell attack.  Then, the next attack against them has advantage.  I imagine the foe is blinded for a second.
  • Cast guiding bolt without using a spell slot. I gain this ability an amount of times equal to my proficiency bonus.

Starry Form grants me a new ability with my Wild Shape, granting me the appearance of a luminous constellation with a chosen effect.  I also shed light in a 10-foot radius with dim light for another 10 feet for 10 minutes.

  • Archer: Make a ranged spell attack with a cosmic bow and arrow, dealing 1d8 + Wisdom modifier damage on a hit.  The range for this attack is 60 feet.
  • Chalice: When I cast a healing spell, I can heal another target for 1d8 + Wisdom modifier HP.
  • Dragon: When I make an Intelligence or Wisdom check or make a Constitution saving throw to maintain concentration, 10 is the lowest I can roll.  In other words, if I have a concentration spell on the field and get hit, I have an advantage to keep the effect on the field.

Higher levels of Circle of Stars

Level 6 grants me Cosmic Omen—an ability to read the stars for future effects.  Between long rests, I can use my Star Map and roll a d6.  An even number grants me the Weal effect for the day and an odd number grants me the Woe effect.

  • Weal (even): Add 1d6 to an ally’s attack roll, saving throw or ability check as a reaction.  Target must be within 30 feet of me.
  • Woe (odd): Subtract 1d6 from a creature’s attack roll, saving throw or ability check.

I can use these effects an amount of times equal to my proficiency modifier.

Twinkling Constellations comes at level 10, jacking up my Starry Form abilities.  Now, the 1d8 Archer and Chalice abilities are 2d8.  Plus, I can now fly (20 feet of speed) in Dragon constellation form, hovering while in place.

Finally, Full of Stars (level 14) transforms my body into a translucent form while in Starry Form.  Now, I’m granted resistance to bludgeoning, slashing and piercing damage.

Play as the party’s navigator and wise person.

With this connection to stars, this character fits the roll of party navigator and pathfinder.  I’ll have a natural connection to the cosmos, reading omens and navigating by star formations.  Therefore, this character fits a party in campaigns where travel, survival or even high-seas adventures are often used.

This would be a good chance to play an older wizard or mentor.  I’m so often building epic warriors and oddballs that having a classic wise magic user is a welcome change up.  My ranged, field effects, proficiency in Insight and Medicine and connection to the stars all fit well into this archetype.

Choose druid spells for Circle of Stars: cure wounds, summon beast

For my basic druid spell choices, I want choices that are helpful in adventure, deal damage from afar, heal and summon creatures to aid my allies.  With Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything, I have several summoning choices to choose as I level up, including a small beast and fey at early levels.  I can even make it to summon elemental at level 4, which gives me a bruiser of earth, wind, fire and water.

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  • Druidcraft: I can create effects with plants, read information about my surrounding environment and read the weather.
  • Poison Spray: Deal 1d12 poison damage on a failed Constitution save.
  • Resistance: Grant a creature I touch 1d4 to add to saving throws
  • Mending: I can fuse broken items together, such as chains, foot-long objects and keys.

1st-level Spells

  • Cure Wounds: Heal 1d8 + Wisdom modifier HP.  I can double this effect with my Chalice Starry Form.
  • Animal Friendship: I can connect with creatures in a magical way—on a failed Wisdom save, the creature is charmed by me.
  • Detect Magic: Detect where a magic source is coming from and what school of magic it is.
  • Entangle: I create a 20-foot cube of grasping vines, restraining creatures when they fail a Strength saving throw.

2nd-level Spells

  • Summon Beast: I can summon an ethereal creature, choosing one of 3 forms: flying, swimming or terrestrial.  My flying creature can attack and move without provoking attacks of opportunity.  The swimming creature can breathe underwater.  Both the swimming and terrestrial forms gain pack tactics, giving them advantage on attacks with allies close by.  Plus, the terrestrial and swimming versions gain 30 HP, as opposed to the flyer’s 20 HP.
  • Lesser Restoration: I can heal poison, blind, deaf and paralysis.
  • Enlarge/Reduce: Bulk up my creature—size small to medium, advantage on Strength saves and checks, extra 1d4 damage to attacks.  Or reduce a foe’s size—shrinking one size, disadvantage on Strength saving throws and checks, reduce damage by 1d4.

3rd-level Spells

  • Summon Fey: A small fey creature with a short sword comes to my call.  This creature gains magical bonus actions: Fey Step, Fuming, Mirthful and Tricksy
Jared Rigsby

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