dnd 5e champion fighter guide

DnD 5e Guide to Building a Champion Fighter

To build a champion fighter in DnD 5e, consider the following elements: Choose a race with high Strength or Constitution modifiers Build a versatile, dual wielding fighter—multiple attack rolls Utilize basic fighter abilities like Action Surge and Second Wind Lean into special Champion abilities The …

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monster of the week mystery horror rpg review

Monster of the Week Review: Mysteries and Urban Fantasy

Monster of the Week is an urban fantasy tabletop role playing game based on the Apocalypse World play rules and takes influence from modern, supernatural shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer or X-files.  It’s easy to learn and offers some surprising tools for story creation …

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vesk soldier bounty hunter for Starfinder. Character guide for bounty hunter.

Guide to Building a Vesk Soldier Monster Hunter: Starfinder

Try building a Vesk soldier monster hunter with these elements in mind: Utilize the Vesk features in play Choose Xenoseeker theme Wield a longarm, scatter gun and a melee weapon Use the Hit-and-Run Primary Fighting Style Choose Gear Boosts that increase weapon damage Choose Combat …

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demon hunter D&D 5e character build

Guide to Building a Demon Hunter: Dungeons and Dragons 5e

To play a demon hunter in Dungeons and Dragons 5e, consider this build: Choose drow race Take duelist fighting style Choose demon slaying ranger spells Choose monster slayer archetype at level 3 Multi class with paladin For this DnD 5e character build, I wanted to …

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