write ranger characters in fantasy stories with wisdom and focus in mind

Guide to Writing a Ranger Character: Fantasy Archetypes

Rangers in the fantasy genre are professional adventurers.  Hunters, survivalists, and martially capable, the ranger is like a guide to other characters in the story.  However, whenever we write these woodland-loving characters, how can we enhance their backstories to something worth buying into? These characters …

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sci fi short story beginning tips

How to Start a Sci Fi Short Story

Often, starting a sci fi short story can be daunting.  Are you diving into an expansive, cosmic world?  Tackling concepts that bend the mind?  Like any story, there are techniques that bring your ideas down to earth and catch your reader/viewer. Start a sci fi …

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best fantasy subgenres

Best Fantasy Sub Genres and Pop Culture Examples

 The fantasy genre is far richer in variety than most people realize, styles include: High Fantasy Fairy Tales Mythic Fantasy Dark Fantasy (remember Grimdark sub-sub) Science Fantasy Prehistoric Fantasy Contemporary Fantasy (remember Urban sub-sub) Swashbuckler  Magic, swords, dragons, monsters, all of these elements create the …

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worldbuilding advice for writers

Guide to Immersive World Building: Writing RPG and Stories

Immersive world building comes down to one goal: bring the audience into the story, especially in genres like sci fi and fantasy.  This means making the audience believe your characters are inhabiting a real world. Consider these elements while worldbuilding for a fantasy or sci …

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real life scooby doo mysteries

Real Life Scooby Doo Mysteries and Crimes

Being as Scooby Doo villains often use the media to their favor, this trend fits with reality. Tricksters have been pulling scams since the begging of civilization.  Whether they take the form of double-talking oracles or pickpocketing fortune tellers, the otherworldly seems to be an …

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